Photograph of Edvin Lindén

Product Leader
& App Developer


We all know about the Google Graveyard, the list of products that Google have discontinued through the years.

While stumbling over a graveyard dedicated for Microsoft I was inspired to create a page where discontinued products from all major tech companies where listed.

iOS App

The Impossible Safe

A safe cracking game for iPhone inspired by the Apple Watch game Break This Safe from Rafael Conde.

The project was my second one using Swift and it's based around the haptic feedback in the iPhone. By feeling different vibrations you'll be able to find the correct combination to the safe.

iOS App

Box Timer – Workout Timer

2020 was a strange year to say the least, it forced a lot of us to workout at home or outside. Due to the situation I went looking for a good workout timer to keep track of my workouts.

All the apps I tested was either too complicated, bloated with features or had way too many ads(let's face it, no one likes ads). So I took it upon myself to create a simple workout timer, free from ads and unnecessary features.

Latest writings

Using ChatGPT to translate an iOS app

March 14, 2023 2 minutes reading time

You don't notice the best product design from IKEA

March 7, 2022 1 minute reading time